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ICASSP 2024 paper: Structure-informed Positional Encoding for Music Generation, by Manvi Agarwal, Changhong Wang, Gaël Richard on 2024/04/11.

Noise files for the DISCO dataset, by N. Furnon on 2021/05/03.

Groove2Groove MIDI Dataset: synthetic accompaniments in 3k styles, by O. Cífka on 2020/10/29.

MAD-EEG: an EEG dataset for decoding auditory attention to a target instrument in polyphonic music, by G.Cantisani, S. Essid, G. Richard on 2020/09/21.

SAMBASET: a Dataset of Historical Samba de Enredo Recordings for Computational Music Analysis, by L. S. Maia on 2019/11/01.

SHED: A dataset of simulated current and voltage measurements for X buildings, by S. Henriet on 2019/06/01.

Medley-solos-DB: a cross-collection dataset for musical instrument recognition, by V. Lostanlen, C.-E. Cella, R. Bittner, S. Essid on 2018/09/28.

UE-HRI: a dataset for the study of user engagement in spontaneous Human-Robot Interactions, by A. Ben-Youssef, C. Clavel, S. Essid on 2017/05/18.

EMOEEG: a New Multimodal Dataset for Dynamic EEG-based Emotion Recognition with Audiovisual Elicitation, by A. C. Conneau, A. Hajlaoui, M. Chetouani, S. Essid on 2017/03/03.

SCISSDB: SCore Informed Source Separation DataBase, by R. Hennequin on 2012/09/12.

QUASI Database: a Musical Audio Signal Database for Source Separation, by T. Fillon on 2012/03/12.

Onset_Leveau: a dataset for audio onset detection, by P. Leveau on 2011/07/13.

3DLife multimodal dance performance dataset, by S. Essid on 2011/05/03.

Romeo-HRTF: a Multi-microphone Head Related Transfer Function Database, by M. Maazaoui on 2011/03/31.

MAPS Database: a Piano database for multipitch estimation and automatic transcription of music, by V. Emiya, B. David on 2010/07/08.

ENST-Drums: an extensive audio-visual database for drum signals processing, by O. Gillet, G. Richard on 2009/11/25.


  • Paper on Transformer positional encodings presented at ICML 2021 as a long talk, by O. Cífka on 2021/07/25. >>
  • Resources for the paper: User-guided one-shot deep model adaptation for music source separation, by G. Cantisani on 2021/06/01. >>
  • NoPdb: Non-interactive Python Debugger, by O. Cífka on 2021/05/10. >>
  • Resources for the paper: Neuro-steered music source separation with EEG-based auditory attention decoding and contrastive-NMF, by G. Cantisani on 2021/04/06. >>
  • Resources for the paper: Self-Supervised VQ-VAE for One-Shot Music Style Transfer, by O. Cífka on 2021/02/14. >>
  • html-midi-player: HTML elements for MIDI playback and visualization, by O. Cífka on 2021/01/18. >>
  • mirdata: Software for Reproducible Usage of Datasets, by M. Fuentes on 2020/11/02. >>
  • Groove2Groove: One-shot style transfer for music accompaniments, by O. Cífka, U. Şimşekli, G. Richard on 2020/10/26. >>
  • t(g)nmf: Supervised (group) NMF: Python implementation of task-driven NMF, by V. Bisot, R. Serizel on 2017/03/01. >>
  • Reassigned Constant-Q transform, by S. Fenet on 2016/10/07. >>
  • beta_nmf_minibatch: Theano-based implementation of minibatch-NMF, by R. Serizel on 2016/06/01. >>
  • beta_nmf_class: Theano-based implementation of group-NMF, by R. Serizel on 2016/06/01. >>
  • GPGPU-Beta-NMF: Theano-based implementation of NMF with beta-divergence, by R. Serizel on 2016/06/01. >>
  • soft_cofact: smooth nonnegative matrix factorisation and co-factorisation, by N. Seichepine on 2014/06/01. >>
  • BIRD: Python implementation of Blind Random Pursuit Denoising, by M. Moussalam on 2014/06/01. >>
  • PyMP: a Pythonic Implementation of Greedy Algorithms for audio signal decomposition, by M. Moussalam on 2013/09/13. >>
  • Code & companion page for the paper: Harmonic Adaptive Latent Component Analysis of Audio and Application to Music Transcription, by B. Fuentes on 2012/07/13. >>
  • Code & companion page for the paper: Blind Harmonic Adaptive Decomposition Applied to Supervised Source Separation, by B. Fuentes on 2012/06/14. >>
  • Code & companion page for the paper: A Flexible Multi-Resolution Time-Frequency Analysis Framework, by T. Fillon, J. Prado on 2012/04/14. >>
  • Companion page for the paper: Probabilistic Model for Main Melody Extraction Using Constant-Q Transform, by B. Fuentes on 2012/01/16. >>
  • Code & companion page for the paper: Matching Pursuits with Random Sequential Subdictionaries, by M. Moussalam on 2012/01/12. >>
  • Sound Onset labellizer, by P. Leveau, G. Richard on 2011/07/13. >>
  • SeparateLead: Lead instrument (or main melody) Separation, by J. L. Durrieu on 2011/06/07. >>
  • Invertible CQT, by J. Prado on 2011/06/06. >>
  • DESAM Toolbox: Spectral analysis of musical audio, by M. Lagrange on 2010/03/29. >>
  • Yaafe: yet another audio feature extractor, by B. Mathieu, T. Fillon, S. Essid on 2010/02/19. >>
  • smarc: smart audio rate converter, by J. Prado on 2010/02/19. >>
  • HRLib: sinusoid/noise separation in audio signals, by O. Gillet on 2010/02/19. >>

Companion & demo pages

  • DCASE 2024 paper: SALT: Standardized Audio Event Label Taxonomy, by Paraskevas Stamatiadis, Michel Olvera, Slim Essid on 2024/10/20. >>
  • DCASE 2024 paper: A Sound Description: Exploring Prompt Templates and Class Descriptions to Enhance Zero-shot Audio Classification, by Michel Olvera, Paraskevas Stamatiadis, Slim Essid on 2024/09/23. >>
  • ICASSP 2024 paper: Unsupervised Harmonic Parameter Estimation Using Differentiable DSP and Spectral Optimal Transport, by Bernardo Torres, Geoffroy Peeters, Gaël Richard on 2024/04/11. >>
  • ICASSP 2024 paper: Structure-informed Positional Encoding for Music Generation, by Manvi Agarwal, Changhong Wang, Gaël Richard on 2024/04/11. >>
  • ICASSP 2024 paper: online speaker diarization of meetings guided by speech separation, by Elio Gruttadauria, Mathieu Fontaine, Slim Essid on 2024/04/04. >>
  • Paper on Transformer positional encodings presented at ICML 2021 as a long talk, by O. Cífka on 2021/07/25. >>
  • Resources for the paper: User-guided one-shot deep model adaptation for music source separation, by G. Cantisani on 2021/06/01. >>
  • Resources for the paper: Neuro-steered music source separation with EEG-based auditory attention decoding and contrastive-NMF, by G. Cantisani on 2021/04/06. >>
  • Resources for the paper: Self-Supervised VQ-VAE for One-Shot Music Style Transfer, by O. Cífka on 2021/02/14. >>
  • Groove2Groove: One-shot style transfer for music accompaniments, by O. Cífka, U. Şimşekli, G. Richard on 2020/10/26. >>
  • Companion page for the paper: Identify, Locate and Separate: Audio-Visual Object Extraction in Large Video Collections using Weak Supervision, by S. Parekh on 2019/10/01. >>
  • Weakly Supervised Representation Learning for Audio-Visual Scene Analysis, by S. Parekh on 2018/07/09. >>
  • Guiding Audio Source Separation by Video Object Information, by S. Parekh on 2017/04/27. >>
  • Reassigned Constant-Q transform, by S. Fenet on 2016/10/07. >>
  • Sound examples for the paper: Parametric Audio Coding with Exponentially Damped Sinusoids, by O. Derrien, et al. on 2013/01/15. >>
  • Companion page for the paper: Introducing a Simple Fusion Framework for Audio Source Separation, by X. Jaureguiberry on 2012/12/02. >>
  • Companion page for the paper: Low bitrate informed source separation of realistic mixtures, by A. Liutkus on 2012/11/28. >>
  • Code & companion page for the paper: Harmonic Adaptive Latent Component Analysis of Audio and Application to Music Transcription, by B. Fuentes on 2012/07/13. >>
  • Code & companion page for the paper: Blind Harmonic Adaptive Decomposition Applied to Supervised Source Separation, by B. Fuentes on 2012/06/14. >>
  • Code & companion page for the paper: A Flexible Multi-Resolution Time-Frequency Analysis Framework, by T. Fillon, J. Prado on 2012/04/14. >>
  • Companion page for the paper: Probabilistic Model for Main Melody Extraction Using Constant-Q Transform, by B. Fuentes on 2012/01/16. >>
  • Code & companion page for the paper: Matching Pursuits with Random Sequential Subdictionaries, by M. Moussalam on 2012/01/12. >>
  • Sound Onset labellizer, by P. Leveau, G. Richard on 2011/07/13. >>
  • Demo of Enhanced Visualisation of Dance Performances from Automatically Synchronised Multimodal Recordings, by S. Essid on 2011/07/01. >>
  • SeparateLead: Lead instrument (or main melody) Separation, by J. L. Durrieu on 2011/06/07. >>
  • Demo of Audio-driven dance performance analysis, by S. Essid on 2011/06/01. >>

Invited talks

  • Deep Generative Models for Audio Applications, by Yuki Mitsufuji on 2024/01/25. >>
  • Generative Modeling at Dolby, by Joan Serrà on 2023/11/30. >>
  • Labeling a Large Music Catalog, by Romain Hennequin on 2023/06/01. >>
  • On probing heads for benchmarking self-supervised speech representation models, by Salah Zaiem on 2023/05/11. >>
  • Robust sound event detection, by Mauricio Michel Olvera Zambrano on 2023/03/09. >>
  • Music Source Separation: Is it solved yet?, by Fabian-Robert Stöter on 2023/02/09. >>
  • A multimodal dynamical variational autoencoder for audiovisual speech representation learning, by Simon Leglaive on 2023/01/12. >>
  • AI research at Ava for empowering Deaf & hard-of-hearing with the best live captions, by Alexey Ozerov on 2022/12/15. >>
  • Robust Speech Separation with Independent Vector Analysis, by Robin Scheibler on 2022/10/27. >>
  • Machine listening in a carbon-constrained world, by Vincent Lostanlen on 2022/09/29. >>
  • Contributions to phase-aware audio source separation, by P. Magron on 2022/06/02. >>
  • SpeechBrain: Unifying Speech Technologies and Deep Learning With an Open Source Toolkit, by T. Parcollet on 2022/05/06. >>
  • From music analysis to urban audio-visual sound source localization, by M. Fuentes on 2022/02/25. >>
  • Sound event detection: lessons learned from the organization of a challenge, by R. Serizel on 2022/02/04. >>
  • The Unified Theory of Blind Source Separation Based on Independence, Nonnegativity, and Low-rankness, by K. Yoshii on 2021/06/04. >>
  • Audio-based inter-modal translation and cross-modal representation alignment , by K. Drossos on 2021/04/12. >>
  • A data-driven approach to pitch spelling and key signature estimation, by F. Foscarin on 2021/04/09. >>
  • Musical Audio Analysis with Insufficient Training Data, by A. Lerch on 2021/04/09. >>
  • Evaluation without ground-truth, by J. Pauwels on 2021/04/08. >>
  • Fast Multichannel Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Based on Gaussian Scale Mixture Representation for Blind Source Separation, by M. Fontaine on 2021/04/01. >>
  • MUSIC Tribe's perspective and challenges on edge-oriented machine learning, by T. Arvanitidis on 2021/03/26. >>
  • Deep learning-based musical version identification: Connecting domain knowledge with data-driven systems, by F. Yesiler on 2021/03/26. >>
  • Learning Structures from High-dimensional Data, by S. Zhang on 2021/02/04. >>
  • Learning Transformations and Invariances with Artificial Neural Networks, by S. Lattner on 2020/01/24. >>
  • Self-supervised learning: a review and new perspectives, by V. Lostanlen on 2020/01/10. >>
  • Simplifying the Creation of Spoken-word Content, by G. Mysore on 2019/10/04. >>
  • Computational rhythm analysis from audio recordings, by M. Rocamora on 2018/11/15. >>
  • An Introduction to the Audio Processing Group @ UFRJ, by L. W. P. Biscainho on 2018/11/15. >>
  • Multitask learning for fundamental frequency estimation in music, by R. Bittner on 2018/11/06. >>
  • Blind source separation based on independent low-rank matrix analysis and its extension to student’s t-distribution, by D. Kitmaura on 2017/09/04. >>
  • Gaussian Framework for Interference Reduction in Live Recordings, by D. Di Carlo on 2017/04/21. >>
  • Exact and Approximate Tensor Decompositions, by T. Cemgil on 2017/03/30. >>
  • Development of Array Signal Processing to Asynchronous Distributed Channels, by N. Ono on 2017/02/24. >>
  • AI : science, machine learning, philosphy and ethics, by M. Lagrange on 2017/01/12. >>
  • The Open-MIC Project: An experiment in open, sustainable evaluation for the MIR community, by E. Humphrey on 2016/09/13. >>
  • Exploring the functional organization and computational properties of human auditory cortex, by S. Norman-Haignere on 2016/09/07. >>
  • Multimodal behavioral signal processing in the wild, by X. Alameda on 2016/06/06. >>
  • Stochastic Quasi-Newton Langevin Monte Carlo, by U. Simsekli on 2016/05/30. >>


  • ICML/INTERSPEECH/EUSIPCO 2024 accepted papers on 2024/06/10. >>
  • New internship position with ADASP: Building a large music dataset., by A. Quelennec on 2024/02/27. >>
  • The ADASP group has 10 papers accepted at ICASSP 2024 on 2024/02/01. >>
  • Alain Riou receives the Best Paper Award at ISMIR 2023 on 2023/11/14. >>
  • Télécom Paris ADASP group is hiring an audio engineer to contribute to audio recordings for the developement of AI-powered hearables, by S. Essid, P. Stamatiadis on 2023/11/14. >>
  • Salah Zaiem is nominated for the ISCA Best Student Paper Award 2023 on 2023/08/22. >>
  • Launch of the new interdisciplinary Center SPIRAL, by Mathieu Fontaine, Gaël Richard on 2023/06/21. >>
  • New Master internship position with ADASP: Unsupervised data selection for knowledge distillation of self-supervised speech models., by S. Zaiem on 2023/02/11. >>
  • New Master internship position with ADASP: Improving Urban Sound Event Detection with Unsupervised Source Separation, by F. Angulo on 2023/02/08. >>
  • Ondřej Cífka awarded for his thesis by the IDIA department on 2022/07/13. >>
  • Kimia Nadjahi receives the IP Paris Best Thesis 2022 award on 2022/06/29. >>
  • Télécom Paris ADASP group is hiring postdocs to develop speech processing, machine listening and MIR solutions for AI-powered hearables [UPDATED], by S. Essid on 2022/05/03. >>
  • ADASP member Gaël Richard was awarded of an EU advanced ERC grant on 2022/04/26. >>
  • ADASP member Geoffroy Peeters is the new president of the ISMIR board on 2022/02/18. >>
  • New Master internship position with ADASP: Deep learning for joint detection and tracking of mobile sound sources via a moving microphone array, by M. Fontaine, S. Essid, G. Richard on 2022/02/18. >>
  • Kick-off of our new joint lab: LISTEN on 2022/01/13. >>
  • Laure Prétet's PhD defense , by S. Zaiem on 2022/01/07. >>
  • Karim Ibrahim's PhD defense , by S. Zaiem on 2021/12/15. >>
  • Giorgia Cantisani's PhD defense , by G. Cantisani on 2021/12/11. >>
  • Kilian Schulze-Forster's PhD defense , by K. Schulze-Forster on 2021/12/06. >>
  • ISMIR 2021 Best Video Award goes to our paper on music-video clips!, by L. Prétet on 2021/12/01. >>
  • ADASP has presented four papers at ISMIR 2021, by L. Prétet on 2021/11/29. >>
  • Ondřej Cífka receives the Young Researcher Prize of the Journée Science et Musique on 2021/09/30. >>
  • Paper on Transformer positional encodings presented at ICML 2021 as a long talk, by O. Cífka on 2021/07/25. >>
  • ADASP has one paper accepted at Interspeech 2021, by S. Zaiem on 2021/06/10. >>
  • Fully-funded PhD fellowship, Music Information Retrieval at Télécom Paris & CentraleSupélec on 2021/05/16. >>
  • ADASP has one paper accepted at IJCNN 2021, by L. Prétet on 2021/04/26. >>
  • Internship proposal: neuro-steered speech source separation, by G. Cantisani on 2021/03/12. >>
  • ADASP has 4 papers accepted at ICASSP 2021, by S. Essid on 2021/02/05. >>
  • New associate professor position with ADASP: machine learning for distributed/multi-view machine listening and audio content analysis, by S. Essid on 2020/12/11. >>
  • Gaël Richard is Laureate of the 2020 IMT-Academie des Sciences Grand Prix on 2020/12/09. >>
  • ADASP PhD student Kimia Nadjahi wins the best student paper award at ICASSP 2020 on 2020/05/05. >>
  • ADASP PhD student Tom Dupré La Tour wins the best Signal, Image and Vision PhD price on 2019/06/04. >>

Job offers

  • New internship position with ADASP: Building a large music dataset., by A. Quelennec on 2024/02/27. >>
  • Télécom Paris ADASP group is hiring an audio engineer to contribute to audio recordings for the developement of AI-powered hearables, by S. Essid, P. Stamatiadis on 2023/11/14. >>
  • New Master internship position with ADASP: Unsupervised data selection for knowledge distillation of self-supervised speech models., by S. Zaiem on 2023/02/11. >>
  • New Master internship position with ADASP: Improving Urban Sound Event Detection with Unsupervised Source Separation, by F. Angulo on 2023/02/08. >>
  • Télécom Paris ADASP group is hiring postdocs to develop speech processing, machine listening and MIR solutions for AI-powered hearables [UPDATED], by S. Essid on 2022/05/03. >>
  • New Master internship position with ADASP: Deep learning for joint detection and tracking of mobile sound sources via a moving microphone array, by M. Fontaine, S. Essid, G. Richard on 2022/02/18. >>
  • Fully-funded PhD fellowship, Music Information Retrieval at Télécom Paris & CentraleSupélec on 2021/05/16. >>
  • Internship proposal: neuro-steered speech source separation, by G. Cantisani on 2021/03/12. >>
  • New associate professor position with ADASP: machine learning for distributed/multi-view machine listening and audio content analysis, by S. Essid on 2020/12/11. >>

Blog Posts

  • The Science Behind Music Technology: an animated story, by G. Cantisani on 2021/09/29. >>