10-06-2024: ICML/INTERSPEECH/EUSIPCO 2024 accepted papers
5 papers accepted for the ADASP group ! INTERSPEECH ≥≥
The ADASP group (Audio Data Analysis and Signal Processing) is a research group associated to the S²A team, and affiliated with Telecom Paris’ in-house research laboratory: the LTCI.
A significant fraction of our research is performed within national and international collaborative projects, with numerous academic and industrial partners.
5 papers accepted for the ADASP group ! INTERSPEECH ≥≥
Manvi Agarwal wins 2nd place in the 3-Minute Thesis® Competition in English! ≥≥
Yuki Mitsufuji presents the work of the Music Foundation Model Team in Sony AI. ≥≥
The kick-off of our new joint-lab on machine listening: LISTEN took place today. This research initiative sponsored by our partners: Valeo, Bruitparif and Mu... ≥≥
Originally published on the MIP-frontiers website on July 28, 2021. ≥≥
Our group is hiring a M2 intern on the topic “Learning to mask ambient noise with music using psychoacoustics and deep learning”. ≥≥
Our group is hiring a M2 intern on the topic “Deep Learning for Multimodal Music-Language Models”. ≥≥
Abstract Machine listening systems often rely on fixed taxonomies to organize and label audio data, key for training and evaluating deep neural networks (DNN... ≥≥
Abstract Audio-text models trained via contrastive learning offer a practical approach to perform audio classification through natural language prompts, such... ≥≥
Abstract In neural audio signal processing, pitch conditioning has been used to enhance the performance of synthesizers. However, jointly training pitch esti... ≥≥
Abstract Music generated by deep learning methods often suffers from a lack of coherence and long-term organization. Yet, multi-scale hierarchical structure ... ≥≥
Abstract Overlapped speech is notoriously problematic for speaker diarization systems. Consequently, the use of speech separation has recently been proposed ... ≥≥
Joan Serrà presents an overview of research on generative modelling for audio at Dolby labs. ≥≥
Our group is welcoming applications for an audio engineering position to start in January 2024 onwards. ≥≥
SPIRAL - Centre interdisciplinaire Science, Arts et Citoyens ≥≥
Each month, the joint lab proposes invited talks for its partners. ≥≥
Each month, the lab proposes invited talks for its partners. ≥≥
Michel Olvera, postdoctoral researcher within the Audio Data Analysis and Signal Processing (ADASP) group at Télécom Paris, will give a talk about robust sou... ≥≥
Fabian-Robert Stöter, Researcher at Audioshake in US, will give a talk about music source separation and the Sound Demixing Challenge 2023: ≥≥
Simon Leglaive, tenured Assistant Professor at CentraleSupélec, will give a talk about multimodal DVAE for speech representation learning: ≥≥