This page offers an overview of recent collaborative research projects that the ADASP group has contributed to, as well as a glance at our academic and industrial partners, with whom we have produced joint publications.
Ongoing projects
DEESSE | 2024 - 2028 | 3 partners | 157 K€
The scientific ambition of the DEESSE project is to develop multichannel source separation methods capable of generalizing and adapting to real signals recorded by Ambisonics arrays. To achieve this objective, we assume that it is necessary to go beyond the separation paradigm most widely used in the literature, which consists on the one hand of extracting a source signal from a mixture by spatial filtering and/or masking in a transformed domain (fixed or learned), and on the other hand of learning fully-supervised models on synthetic data alone.
AQUARIUS | 2023 - 2026 | 3 partners | 157 K€
Audio quality is an important characteristic that conveys intrinsic information about the process of creating a musical work from recording to studio mastering. Recently, we proposed an innovative method to detect the list of effects applied to a signal and the decade of creation of a work. Thus, the AQUA-RIUS project aims at an exhaustive study of audio quality with a deep learning methodology through 3 scientific issues: 1) audio quality analysis and modelling, 2) audio quality simulation for data augmentation in a machine learning framework to improve the robustness of the trained models and 3) reverse engineering to enable signal restoration and audio quality control. The expertise in signal processing and deep learning of the 3 project partners (IBISC, IRCAM, Telecom Paris) is the main asset of this project. Read More »
| 2022 - 2025
| 5 partners
| 1.9 M€
The AUDIBLE project aims to revolutionise hearable technologies (especially TWS/earbuds) by developing a platform which will enable unprecedented use cases through artificial intelligence (AI) innovations, a highly energy-efficient and powerful DSP and AI processor, and the integration of a miniaturized biometric sensor. Read More »
LISTEN | 2022 - | 3 partners |
LISTEN is a joint laboratory launched by Télécom Paris with Valeo, Bruitparif and Music World Media, to develop cutting edge machine listening methodologies and systems. The joint laboratory will focus its research efforts on five fundamental issues, frugal learning based on scarce data, multi-view, multi-task & distributed learning, model-based deep learning, self-supervised learning, and finally (deep) generative models. Read More »
HI-Audio ERC | 2022 - 2027 | 1 partners | 2,5 M€
Hi-Audio: Hybrid and Interpretable Deep neural audio machines (Principal Investigator: Gaël Richard) is a European Research Council Advanced Grant (AdG) project supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under Grant Agreement-101052978. HI-Audio aims to build controllable and frugal machine listening models based on expressive generative modelling and Hybrid deep learning models with application to audio scene analysis, music information retrieval and sound transformation and synthesis.
SAROUMANE ANR/JCJC | 2023 - 2026 | 1 partners | 270 k€
SAROUMANE is an ANR JCJC (Young researcher project) project that aims to tackle speaker diarization problem using well-known explicable Deep Bayesian networks such as heavy-tailed variational autoencoder (Principal investigator: Mathieu FONTAINE). The speaker diarization aims to answer to the question: "who speak and when ?" and is still a major research direction in speech processing with various applications such as automatic speech transcription. The project also includes speaker diarization using, spatial audio information, multiple sensors or linguistic aspects (prosody).
Past projects
EU H2020 ETN
| 2018 - 2022
| 17 partners
| 1,05 M€
MIP-Frontiers is a multidisciplinary, transnational and cross-sectoral European training network for MIR researchers that aims to train a new generation of researchers. We bring together leading MIR groups and a wide range of industrial and cultural stakeholders in order to contribute to Europe’s leading role in this field of scientific innovation and accelerate the impact of innovation on European products and industry. Read More »
DSAIDIS | 2019 - 2024 | 7 partners |
Data Science & Artificial Intelligence for Digitalized Industry & Services is Télécom Paris’s 15th Chair. Established for a five-year period with the help of the Fondation Mines-Télécom and the support of Airbus Defence & Space, Engie, Idemia, Safran and Valeo, it is held by Florence d’Alché-Buc, Full Professor at Télécom Paris in the fields of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. It is concerned with: 1) developing predictive analytics on time series and data streams; 2) exploiting large scale, heterogeneous, partially labeled data; 3) machine learning for trusted and robust decision; 4) learning through interactions with the environment. Read More »
FBIMATRIX ANR/Tubitak | 2016 - 2020 | 2 partners | 184 k€
On Parallel and Distributed Marov Chain Monte Carlo for Bayesian Inference in Matrix and Tensor Factorization Models.
StaRel STIC AmSud network | 2017 - 2020 | 4 partners |
StaRel is an interdisciplinary research project which aimed to develop innovative technological and music-analytical methods to gain fresh insight into the understanding and modeling of the rhythmic/metrical structure in audio recordings of expressive music performances. The project brought together researchers from Télécom Paris; L2S, CNRS, France; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; and Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay. Read More »
Research Chair
| 2013 - 2018
| 5 partners
| 1.5 M€
The Chair Machine Learning for Big data was a Télécom ParisTech Chair held by Stéphan Clémencon. It aimed at developing methodological research addressing the challenges posed by the statistical analysis of big data. Read More »
| 2014 - 2018
| 18 partners
| 420 k€
LASIE (Large Scale Information Exploitation of Forensic Data) provided a set of tools and processes to support law enforcement agents and investigators or analysts in their everyday work. The proposed system significantly reduces the required investigation time by utilizing automatic processes for analysing multimedia contents, as well as visual analytics from an inference engine able to highlight otherwise hidden information. Read More »
AIDA ANR CONTINT | 2013 - 2017 | 4 partners | 95 k€
Intelligible Car for Hearing Impaired. Read More »
| 2013 - 2016
| 4 partners
| 600 k€
SeNSE (Signaux Socio Emotionnels) was centered at the analysis of social and emotional signals exchanged during human-virtual agent and human-human interactions. Read More »
EDISON3D ANR | 2013 - 2016 | 6 partners | 458k€
Editing and Rendering for next generation of 3D sound. Read More »
ROMEO 2 OSEO | 2012 - 2016 | 16 partners | 180 k€
Romeo is a research platform to create a humanoid companion and personal assistant. Our contribution is sound scene capture for Humanoid robots. Read More »
| 2011 - 2015
| 13 partners
| 604 k€
The ultimate goal of REVERIE was to provide the means for building a mixed reality space in which real and virtual worlds engage and seamlessly interact in real-time, generating compelling and highly realistic immersive environments.
MEEGAPERF DGA - RAPID | 2011 - 2015 | 4 partners |
MEEGAPERF (Monitoring EEG pour l'Anticipation des PERFormances) was a French DGA-funded project that focuses on realtime human performance monitoring through EEG analysis.
| 2011 - 2014
| 8 partners
| 300 k€
VERVE : Vanquishing fear and apathy through E-inclusion: Personalised and populated Realistic Virtual Environments for clinical, home and mobile platforms, will develop ICT tools to support the treatment of people who are at risk of social exclusion due to fear and/or apathy associated with a disability. These tools will be in the form of personalised Virtual Reality (VR) scenarios and serious games specifically designed for therapeutic targets and made broadly available via a novel integration of interactive 3D environments directly into Web browsers. The project will perform cutting edge research into rendering and simulating personalised and populated VR environments, 3D web graphics, and serious games. These technical efforts will be underpinned by clinical/laboratory and industry partners and in liaison with the stakeholders (i.e., participants, carers/family, and health professionals).
| 2010 - 2013
| 7 partners
| 415 k€
"Bringing the Media Internet to Life" - or simply, 3DLife - was a European Union funded project that aimed to integrate research conducted within Europe in the field of Media Internet. 3DLife's ultimate target was to lay the foundations of a European Competence Centre under the name "Excellence in Media Computing and Communication" or simply EMC2.
DREAM ANR | 2009 - 2013 | 4 partners | 140 k€
Audio source separation, transformation and watermarking for active music listening.
PAFI ANR | 2009 - 2013 | partners |
Modular platform for assisted musical instrument design.
| 2008 - 2013
| 26 partners
| 800 k€
Quaero was a collaborative research and development program, centered at developing multimedia and multilingual indexing and management tools for professional and general public applications such as the automatic analysis, classification, extraction and exploitation of information. The research aimed to facilitate the extraction of information in unlimited quantities of multimedia and multilingual documents, including written texts, speech and music audio files, and images and videos. Quaero was created to respond to new needs for the general public and professional use, and new challenges in multimedia content analysis resulting from the explosion of various information types and sources in digital form, available to everyone via personal computers, television and handheld terminals. Read More »
| 2009 - 2012
| 2 partners
TANGERINE: Theory and applications of nonnegative matrix factorization, was a "young researcher" project funded by the French agency for research (ANR) and coordinated by Cédric Févotte. Read More »
Academic Partners
Industrial and Institutional Partners