Full Professors

Slim Essid
ADASP Group coordinator
representation learning, multiview learning, multimodal processing, speech processing, machine listening, MIR
Roland Badeau
machine learning, data decomposition, machine listening, MIR
Geoffroy Peeters
machine learning, machine listening, MIR
Gaël Richard
machine listening, MIR, machine learning, data decomposition, representation learning,


Associate Professors

Mathieu Fontaine
Bayesian methods, denoising, signal models, source separation, speech processing


Emeritus Professors


PhD Students

Anton Emelchenkov
signal models, deep learning
statistics, time series, anomaly detection
Alain Riou
MIR, representation learning, deep learning
music generation, discrete representations
Elio Gruttadauria
speech processing,
representation learning, speaker diarization, speech separation, online inference
Manvi Agarwal
machine learning, MIR
Aurian Quélennec
representation learning, deep learning, MIR,
Louis Bahrman
deep learning, machine learning, machine listening, speech processing
Antonin Gagneré
deep learning, representation learning, MIR
Bernardo Torres
deep learning, machine learning, representation learning,
signal processing, neural audio synthesis, hybrid deep learning
Victor Letzelter
Bayesian methods, machine learning
multiple choice learning
Benoît Giniès
deep learning, representation learning, MIR
Sicheng Mao
speech processing
speaker diarization, generative modeling
Clémentine Berger
deep learning,
signal processing
Xuanyu Zhuang

Côme Peladeau
deep learning, MIR
audio effects, audio quality, differentiable signal processing
Thomas Serre

deep learning, speech enhancement
Louis Lalay
source separation, machine learning
signal processing, dereverberation
Haocheng Liu
machine listening



Changhong Wang
deep learning, machine listening, MIR
explainable audio models
Michel Olvera
deep learning, machine listening
Xiaoyu Bie
deep learning
generative models, audio signal processing


Research Engineers

José Manuel Gil
machine learning, MIR
music generation
Joris Cosentino
source separation, speech processing, deep learning,
Paraskevas Stamatiadis
speech processing,
Maxime Coutant

real-time processing, embedded, audio software
Quoc Duong Nguyen
deep learning, machine listening
audio software
Pierre Chouteau
deep learning, machine listening
signal processing


Alumni & former members

Former Full Professors

Bertrand David   2002-
Now Dean of studies with Télécom Paris
Nicolas Moreau   2002-2010
Now Retired
Yves Grenier   1990-2024
Now Retired
machine listening, MIR
signal processing, music similarity


Former Associate Professors

Alexandre Gramfort   2012-2017
Now Inria Researcher
classification, EEG, machine learning, representation learning, source separation, sparse representations
Umut Simsekli   2016-2020
Now Research Faculty with INRIA / ENS
machine learning, source separation
Jacques Prado   2002-2010
Now Retired


Former CNRS Researchers

Cédric Févotte   2007-2012
Now CNRS Research Director with IRIT
Bayesian methods, data decomposition, machine learning, representation learning, signal models, source separation, sparse representations
Ioana Vasilescu   2002-2005
Now CNRS researcher with LISN (Laboratoire Interdisciplinaire des Sciences du Numérique)
human centered signal processing, speech processing


Former PhD Students

David Perera   2021-2025
Thesis: Ambiguity and invariance in machine listening
Florian Angulo   2021-2023
Achille Aknin   2019-2022
Laure Prétet   2019-2022
Now Research Scientist with Bridge.audio
Andrea Vaglio   2018-2021
Kimia Nadjahi   2018-2021
Now Postdoc with Sorbonne University
Giorgia Cantisani   2018-2021
Now Postdoc with Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs, ENS
Ondřej Cífka   2018-2021
Now Data Scientist with Utopia Music
Nicolas Furnon   2018-2021
Pierre Ablin   2016-2017
Now Postdoc with Département de Mathématiques et applications, ENS
Abdeldjalil Aissa El Bey   10/2004-09/2007
Now Full Professor with IMT Atlantique
Miguel Angel Alonso Arévalo   2002-2007
Now Researcher with Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunications at CICESE, Mexico
Yousra Bekhti   2015-2018
Now Data Scientist with ENGIE Impact
Arthur Belhomme   2014-2017
Now R&D engineer with Invoxia
Thesis: The use of phase in speech dereverberation
Michael Betser   2005-2008
Now Principal research engineer with Microsoft
Victor Bisot   09/2014-11/2018
Now Research engineer
Stanislas Chambon   2015-2018
Now Research scientist with Therapixel
Thesis: Learning from electrophysiology time series during sleep: from scoring to event detection
Tom Dupré la Tour   2015-2018
Now Postdoc with UC Berkeley
Simon Durand   2013-2017
Now Senior Research Scientist with Spotify
Jean-Louis Durrieu   2007-2010
Now DSP Software Engineer with Sonova AG
Valentin Emiya   2004-2008
Now Assistant Professor with Aix-Marseille University, CNRS LIS, Qarma Team
Sébastien Fenet   2010-2013
Now Consultant
Thesis: Audio-Fingerprints and Associated Indexing Strategies for the Purpose of Large-Scale Audio-Identification
Thomas Fillon   2000-2004
Now R&D signal processing engineer with RTsys
Simone Fontana   2003-2005
Thesis: Deconvolution and applications to binaural technology
Rémi Foucard   2009-2013
Now Musician with Various stages/studios
Charles Fox   2010-2013
Now R&D Engineer with 7Sensing Software
Magdalena Fuentes   11/2016-11/2019
Now Provost's Postdoctoral Fellow with Music and Audio Research Laboratory (MARL) and Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP), New York University
Alexandre Garcia   2016-2019
Now CPGE Professor with Lycée Chaptal
Sébastien Gulluni   03/2008-03/2011
Now Professional Composer / Sound designer / Music technology teacher
Cyril Joder   2007-2011
Now Patent examiner with European Patent Office
Xabier Jaureguiberry   10/2012-07/2015
Now R&D team lead with Delfox
Simon Leglaive   2014-2017
Now Assistant Professor with CentraleSupélec
Pierre Leveau   2004-2007
Now Senior Data Scientist with Zenly (Snap)
Paul Magron   2013-2016
Now Postdoc with Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT)
Aymeric Masurelle   11/2011 - 10/2015
Now Co-Founder & Artifical Creature Artisan with SPooN
Manuel Moussallam   09/2009-12/2012
Now Head of Research with Deezer
Huy Thanh Nguyen   2017-2020
Thesis: Heavy-tailed Nature of Stochastic Gradient Descent in Deep Learning: Theoretical and Empirical Analysis
Viet Son Nguyen   2005-2009
Now enseignant - chercheur with Hanoi university of science and technology
Laurent Oudre   2007-2010
Now Full Professor with ENS Paris Saclay, Centre Borelli
Sanjeel Parekh   2016-2019
Now Postdoc with Telecom Paris S2A Team
Mathieu Ramona   09/2006-09/2009
Now Senior Research Engineer with SoundHound
François Rigaud   2010-2013
Now Research engineer with Deezer Recommendation Team
Mounira Rigaud-Maazaoui   2009-2012
Now R&D researcher with Faurecia Clarion Electronics
Félicien Vallet   09/2007-09/2011
Now Privacy Technologist with CNIL


Former Postdocs

Christof Weiß   2021-2021
computational music analysis, chord and key recognition, tonal representations
Dogac Basaran   10/2016-01/2018
Now Research Scientist with Audible Magic
classification, deep learning, machine learning, MIR, music transcription
Théo Mariotte   2023-2024
Now Maître de conférences with Le Mans Université
deep learning, machine listening, speech processing
speech separation, speaker diarization
Atef Ben Youssef   09/2016-12/2018
Now Head of R&D with LUDO-VIC
deep learning, human centered signal processing, machine learning, multimodal processing, speech processing
Elie Laurent Benaroya   12/2016-12/2018
Now Postdoc with IRCAM
classification, source separation
Cécilia Damon   05/2012-10/2013
Now Research engineer/Project manager with IRSN Institute, D3NSI/SVDDA Team
data decomposition, EEG, machine learning, multimodal processing, signal models, source separation
Alfred Dielmann   2010-2011
Now Senior Research Scientist with Cerence
machine learning, multimodal processing, speech processing
Angélique Drémeau   2011-2013
Now Assistant professor with ENSTA Bretagne & Lab-STICC (UMR CNRS 6285)
Bayesian methods, sparse representations
Sébastien Fenet   2014-2018
Now Consultant
Mathieu Lagrange   2008-2009
Now CNRS researcher with LS2N UMR 6004
audio scene analysis, classification, deep learning, machine learning, machine listening, representation learning, signal models, signal transformation, source separation, sparse representations
Liying Wei   -
audio scene analysis, classification
Davide Andrea Mauro   01/2013-12/2013
Now Assistant Professor with Marshall University (USA)
signal transformation
Jair Montoya Martinez   2015-2017
Now Research Scientist with Flemish institute for technological research
classification, data decomposition, EEG, machine learning, signal models, source separation
Alexey Ozerov   02/2008-07/2009
Now Senior Scientist with InterDigital
audio scene analysis, Bayesian methods, classification, machine listening, source separation
François Rigaud   01/2014-07/2014
Now Research engineer with Deezer Recommendation Team
deep learning, denoising, MIR, music transcription, signal models, source separation
Mounira Rigaud-Maazaoui   2012-2014
Now R&D researcher with Faurecia Clarion Electronics
audio scene analysis, denoising, source separation, speech processing
Jean-Baptiste Schiratti   10/2016-07/2018
Now Medical Imaging Team Lead with OWKIN
classification, deep learning, EEG, machine learning
Romain Serizel   2014-2016
Now Associate Professor with Université de Lorraine/Loria
audio scene analysis, classification, machine listening, speech processing
Umut Simsekli   2015-2016
Now Research Faculty with INRIA / ENS
machine learning, source separation


Former Research Engineers

Thomas Fillon   12/2004-05/2005 | 11/2008-03/2013
Now R&D signal processing engineer with RTsys
classification, denoising, human centered signal processing, machine learning, MIR, speech processing
Vishal Nagarajan   2024-2025
deep learning, machine listening
signal processing
François Rigaud   2018-2020
Now Research engineer with Deezer Recommendation Team
deep learning, denoising, MIR, music transcription, signal models, source separation


And many more...