Full Professors
Associate Professors
Emeritus Professors
PhD Students
Research Engineers
Alumni & former members
Former Full Professors

Bertrand David 2002-
Now Dean of studies with Télécom Paris

Nicolas Moreau 2002-2010
Now Retired
Former Associate Professors

Jacques Prado 2002-2010
Now Retired
Former CNRS Researchers
Former PhD Students
Morgan Buisson 2021-2024
Félix Mathieu 2020-2023
Laure Prétet 2019-2022
Now Research Scientist with Bridge.audio
Javier Nistal 2018-2021

Kimia Nadjahi 2018-2021
Now Postdoc with Sorbonne University
Karim M. Ibrahim 2018-2021
Giorgia Cantisani 2018-2021
Now Postdoc with Laboratoire des Systèmes Perceptifs, ENS
Ondřej Cífka 2018-2021
Now Data Scientist with Utopia Music
Kilian Schulze-Forster 2018-2021
Pierre Ablin 2016-2017
Now Postdoc with Département de Mathématiques et applications, ENS
Abdeldjalil Aissa El Bey 10/2004-09/2007
Now Full Professor with IMT Atlantique
Miguel Angel Alonso Arévalo 2002-2007
Now Researcher with Dept. of Electronics & Telecommunications at CICESE, Mexico
Yousra Bekhti 2015-2018
Now Data Scientist with ENGIE Impact
Nancy Bertin -
Now CNRS researcher with IRISA

Michael Betser 2005-2008
Now Principal research engineer with Microsoft
Victor Bisot 09/2014-11/2018
Now Research engineer
Tom Dupré la Tour 2015-2018
Now Postdoc with UC Berkeley
Simon Durand 2013-2017
Now Senior Research Scientist with Spotify
Jean-Louis Durrieu 2007-2010
Now DSP Software Engineer with Sonova AG
Valentin Emiya 2004-2008
Now Assistant Professor with Aix-Marseille University, CNRS LIS, Qarma Team
Thomas Fillon 2000-2004
Now R&D signal processing engineer with RTsys

Simone Fontana 2003-2005
Thesis: Deconvolution and applications to binaural technology
Rémi Foucard 2009-2013
Now Musician with Various stages/studios
Charles Fox 2010-2013
Now R&D Engineer with 7Sensing Software
Benoit Fuentes 2009-2012
Now Postdoctoral researcher with Télécom Paris
Magdalena Fuentes 11/2016-11/2019
Now Provost's Postdoctoral Fellow with Music and Audio Research Laboratory (MARL) and Center for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP), New York University
Alexandre Garcia 2016-2019
Now CPGE Professor with Lycée Chaptal
Sébastien Gulluni 03/2008-03/2011
Now Professional Composer / Sound designer / Music technology teacher
Romain Hennequin 2008-2011
Now Lead Research Scientist with Deezer Research
Simon Henriet 2016-2020
Now Lead Research Scientist with Smart Impulse
Cyril Joder 2007-2011
Now Patent examiner with European Patent Office
Xabier Jaureguiberry 10/2012-07/2015
Now R&D team lead with Delfox
Simon Leglaive 2014-2017
Now Assistant Professor with CentraleSupélec
Pierre Leveau 2004-2007
Now Senior Data Scientist with Zenly (Snap)
Paul Magron 2013-2016
Now Postdoc with Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse (IRIT)
Aymeric Masurelle 11/2011 - 10/2015
Now Co-Founder & Artifical Creature Artisan with SPooN
Manuel Moussallam 09/2009-12/2012
Now Head of Research with Deezer
Viet Son Nguyen 2005-2009
Now enseignant - chercheur with Hanoi university of science and technology
Laurent Oudre 2007-2010
Now Full Professor with ENS Paris Saclay, Centre Borelli
Sanjeel Parekh 2016-2019
Now Postdoc with Telecom Paris S2A Team
Mathieu Ramona 09/2006-09/2009
Now Senior Research Engineer with SoundHound
François Rigaud 2010-2013
Now Research engineer with Deezer Recommendation Team
Mounira Rigaud-Maazaoui 2009-2012
Now R&D researcher with Faurecia Clarion Electronics
Félicien Vallet 09/2007-09/2011
Now Privacy Technologist with CNIL
Former Postdocs

Alfred Dielmann 2010-2011
Now Senior Research Scientist with Cerence
machine learning,
multimodal processing,
speech processing

Jair Montoya Martinez 2015-2017
Now Research Scientist with Flemish institute for technological research
data decomposition,
machine learning,
signal models,
source separation
Former Research Engineers
And many more...