Medley-solos-DB: a cross-collection dataset for musical instrument recognition
By V. Lostanlen, C.-E. Cella, R. Bittner, S. Essid
Medley-solos-DB is a cross-collection dataset for automatic musical instrument recognition in solo recordings. It consists of a training set of 3-second audio clips, which are extracted from the MedleyDB dataset of Bittner et al. (ISMIR 2014) as well as a test set set of 3-second clips, which are extracted from the solosDB dataset of Essid et al. (IEEE TASLP 2009). Each of these clips contains a single instrument among a taxonomy of eight: clarinet, distorted electric guitar, female singer, flute, piano, tenor saxophone, trumpet, and violin.
The Medley-solos-DB dataset is the dataset that is used in the benchmarks of musical instrument recognition in the publications of Lostanlen and Cella (ISMIR 2016) and Andén et al. (IEEE TSP 2019).
Follow this link to learn more about this dataset and download it.