HRLib: sinusoid/noise separation in audio signals
By O. Gillet
HRLib library, developed by Olivier Gillet, is a C implementation of a sinusoid/noise separation method from Roland Badeau’s Thesis [1]. A graphical interface permits to perform separation and mix of separated tracks in real time.
The audio signal is decomposed into a sum of exponentially damped sinusoids (EDS) and autoregressive noise. This decomposition is based on the high-resolution subspace method ESPRIT. Initially, the signal is pre-accentuated, and then decomposed into sub-bands. In each channel, the noise autoregressive envelope is estimated, and the signal is whitened with a FIR Filter [1].
It uses the ESTER method [2] to estimate the number of sinusoids, and a fast adaptive algorithm (Sequential Iteration) for subspace tracking [3]. Sinusoids/noise separation is performed by projection onto the signal subspace and the noise subspace [4], and by reconstruction with the synthesis filter bank.
- contact roland.badeau (at)
- Méthodes à haute résolution pour l'estimation et le suivi de sinusoïdes modulées. Application aux signaux de musique. R. Badeau. Thèse de l'ENST soutenue le 18 avril 2005. Prix de thèse ParisTech 2006.
- A new perturbation analysis for signal enumeration in rotational invariance techniques, R. Badeau, B. David et G. Richard, IEEE Trans. on Signal Proc., vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 450-458, février 2006.
- EDS parametric modeling and tracking of audio signals, R. Badeau, R. Boyer et B. David, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-02), Hambourg, Allemagne, 26-28 septembre 2002, pp. 139-144.
- An EDS modelling tool for tracking and modifying musical signals, B. David, G. Richard et R. Badeau, Stockholm Music Acoustics Conference (SMAC 2003), Stockholm, Suède, 6-9 août 2003, vol. II, pp. 715-718.